YOUTH PROGRAM 11 22 2003 - 2003-11-22


In his report from Rwanda, Olivier Isata talked about a report recently published by the bureau in charge of population, PRD. The reports shows how African youth from the sub-Saharan countries have a bad behavior of promiscuity.

Gentille Ntibagirigwa sent a report on how Burundian youth contribute in the fight against Aids by publishing their own newspaper.


Yvette Umugwaneza sent a report talking about a program that just been launched by the Rwanda fist lady to fight discrimination against children living with HIV. The program has been launched in the preparation of the World Day in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

In his report from Burundi, Jean-Baptiste Nimubona talked about how in Burundi average citizens put together organizations to help teaching orphans how to read and write. But how difficult it for those organizations because of the lack of means.


Scene of a ex refugee children talking about family problems, especially conflict between parents and their children. They talk about how some children, as they grow, start to think they that they know everything and don’t listen to their parents anymore. These ex refugee children stress on the importance of education starting at home by listening to and respecting their parents.

The Youth Team

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